William robertson davies biography definition

  • William robertson davies biography definition
  • William robertson davies biography definition

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  • Robertson davies
  • Robertson Davies | Canadian Playwright, Novelist, Critic ...
  • Robertson Davies Biography - Childhood, Life Achievements ...
  • Robertson Davies | Canadian Playwright, Novelist, Critic ...
  • Robertson Davies | Canadian Playwright, Novelist, Critic ...!

    William Robertson Davies

    Robertson Davies (1913-1995) enjoyed a distinguished career as a journalist, playwright, and novelist, helping to enhance the literary standing of his native Canada.

    Robertson Davies was a writer of grand ideas and fertile imagination who excelled in a variety of literary disciplines.

    As a journalist, his humorous observations about life amused newspaper readers over two decades. His comic plays addressed the plight of the Canadian artist to great effect.

    Robertson davies

    His sprawling, intellectually rich novels, including the acclaimed Deptford and Cornish trilogies, set a high standard for all Canadian authors who wish to follow him. With his bushy white beard and flowing mane of hair, Davies looked the part of a grizzled, ancient storyteller-which to his millions of devoted readers is exactly what he was.

    Privileged Upbringing

    William Robertson Davies was born on August 28, 1913 in the village of Thamesville, Ontario, Canada.

    He came from a very old and prominen