Sarah jayne bedford biography of rory gilmore
Sarah jayne bedford biography of rory gilmore death...
Gilmore Girls: Why A Career In Journalism Wasnt Rorys Cup Of Tea
Rory Gilmore inGilmore Girls was a straight-A girl in academics.
Sarah jayne bedford biography of rory gilmore
But it wasnt the same with her passion for journalism. Her journalistic ambitions were definitely admirable, but the realities of the profession were far more different than her expectations.
Journalism is indeed a difficult profession and it requires a lot of willpower to stand up to what you believe in despite all odds.
But Rory was the kind of person who couldnt take criticism. She wasnt ready to take the reality of adulthood and wasnt a good journalist either.
Sarah jayne bedford biography of rory gilmore girls
Heres why her journalism career proved to be a colossal failure.
Rory Gilmores Writing Skills Were Rude For A Journalist
Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life showed the struggles of Rory as a journalist, emphasizing how her career doesnt go as planned.
Rory made the same mistake twice during her tenure at Yale. She had a habit of bein