Henri fayol biography ppt

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    Henri Fayol - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

    Title: Henri Fayol

    Henri Fayols Theory of General Management
    Henri Fayols Background
    Graduated from the National School of Mines in
    Saint Etrenne in 1860 After graduation he went
    to work and spent his entire career at

    Henri fayol biography ppt

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  • He was
    named managing director in 1888 and maintained
    that position until he retired in 1918. He
    is credited with saving the company from
    bankruptcy During his career he lectured at
    Ecole Superievre de la Guerre In his
    retirement he established the Center of
    Administrative Studies
    Fayols Big Contributions to Management
    1) Universality of management The same skills
    are needed to manage a coal mine that are needed
    to manage a hospital, post office, university,

    2) Management is a field in and of
    itself There were no schools of management
    prior to Henri Fayol!!!
    Fayols Principles of Management
    Division of Labor Fayol Encouraged job