Juergen teller biography of alberta
Juergen teller biography of alberta death!
Juergen teller biography of alberta
Juergen Teller
Juergen Teller (b. 1964, Erlangen, Germany; lives and works in London) is a prominent photographer who has successfully navigated both the fine art and commercial world since beginning his career in the late 1980s.
Teller does not distinguish between his commercial and non-commercial work, treating all of his subjects—family members, celebrities, and himself—with a uniform style of grit and raw emotion that has become his iconic and instantly recognizable aesthetic.
Although he often parodies fashion photography, he is very much a participant in it, promoting the industry even as he criticizes it. Teller subjects his models to unflattering angles, uses a bright, harsh flash, and never retouches his photographs, exposing the myth of idealized beauty that airbrushed fashion images offer.
Teller’s work is characterized by a spontaneity and genuineness that he believes better evoke authentic desire in comparison to the artificial sensuality often foun