Esmail nooriala wiki
Esmail nooriala wiki discography...
Esmail Nooriala
Academic Experience
Adjunct professor - Denver University - University College – Department of Modern Languages - Farsi language - 2007/8
Adjunct professor - Denver University - Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) – Sociology of Islam and the Middle East - 2008
Lecturer on the History of West Asian Cultures.
Esmail nooriala wiki
Colorado Persian Society. Denver 1995-2000
Lecturer on Modern Iranian Literature – "Iran Minor" Cultural Group, London 1981-1989
Professor of Persian Classical Literature. University of Tehran.1971-1973
Lecturer on Sociology of Iranian Culture.
University of Tehran.1970-1971
Teacher of Persian Language and Literature. Dar-ol-fonun High School, Tehran, Iran 1962-65
Governmental Works
Curriculum advisor for Persian literature studies – Ministry of Education, Iran 1970-1973
Programming advisor, Ministry of Arts and Culture, Iran 1968-1971
Senior Cultural Advisor, Planning Organization of Iran,